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Good morning.

I have a small blog about free-to-play role-playing games. I would like to know if I can translate your fabulous game "I Bury the Gods" into spanish language, and maybe put it in my blog for free download?

Thank you very much for your time.

I send you my best regards.

Oscar C.L.

Hi there. 👋 The game is CC-BY — happy for you to do anything you like with it as long as you abide by the Creative Commons Attribution license.

(1 edit) (+2)

Found this in a local gamestore. Picked it up and we did an improv play session of this on a recent podcast. A lot of fun and super simple system. Perfect for filling a free hour of fun!

Thanks for making this! 

Hey this is wild, thanks heaps for giving the game a go on your channel. I'm stoked you guys had fun with it! Loved the action/matter improv.

I'm digging this, but how does 'monstrosity' affect battle? Or is it up to the player to determine the effect?

Als pls pls character sheet pls

Hey, sorry for the late reply! Monstrosity has no effect on the battle currently. I'd love to expand on the rules sooner rather than later, but for now it's pretty hand wavy.

I'll make a char sheet over the xmas break, sure. I've been using index cards so far.

Thanks for checking out the game!